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Prime Site in Zambia for Development of Luangwa River Lodge

WildNet Africa No. WNET0018

A unique opportunity exists to purchase a prime site in the southern part of Luangwa Valley in Zambia for the development of an upmarket lodge. Besides the Victoria Falls, the gem of Zambian eco-tourism is the Luangwa Valley.

The breathtaking Luangwa Valley
Breathtaking view of the Luangwa Valley -
the perfect setting for the Luangwa River Lodge

The South Luangwa National Park covers an area of 9050 km² bordered by the Muchinga escarpment to the west and the mighty Luangwa River to the East.

The region is part of the Great Rift Valley, a continental fault which runs from the Red Sea down the length of Africa and accounts for the spectacular escarpment scenery in East Africa and creates the great African lakes. The rift divides into two arms, one to the east encompassing Lake Malawi and the other to the west which becomes the Luangwa Valley, stretching some 700 kilometres.

The rainfall averages 800 mm per annum, mainly from heavy thunderstorms interspersed by bright sunny intervals occurring between the months of November to March. However, during February and March, the rains are steadier.

The Luangwa River dominates the valley. This meandering giant rises in the mountains of Malawi and descends to join the Zambezi some 300 kilometres to the south of the Park. It is this river, together with its oxbow lagoons that provide the riverine habitat which attracts such large concentrations and diversity of animals and birdlife.

The South Luangwa National Park is one of the world's most spectacular wildlife sanctuaries offering some of the finest game viewing opportunities in Africa in the most wilderness of settings.

There are approximately 15 000 elephants, 14 000 hippos, vast numbers of crocodile, innumerable prides of lion, herds of buffalo up to 1 500 strong and the greatest concentration of leopard in any African national park. Investigations are currently underway to assess the feasibility of reintroducing black rhino to the area.

Hyaena are frequently seen and many species of buck inhabit the area including impala, kudu, puku, reedbuck, hartebeest (Lichtenstein), magnificent sable, mighty eland, the shy bushbuck, waterbuck and the rare roan antelope. Zebra and giraffe are common.

For ornithologists and birders, the Valley is a paradise. It is well known that the area boasts some of the largest concentrations of waders and migratory birds ever witnessed. For instance, it is not uncommon to see a flock of 200 crowned cranes. The quantity and diversity of large bird populations is particularly stunning.

An international airport at Mfuwe provides the access point to the Park which can also be approached from the east by road via Chipata.


Luangwa River Lodge
North elevation of the proposed River Lodge facing the Luangwa River

The prime peninsula site lies on the banks of the Luangwa River opposite the Wafwa at the confluence of the Msandile River. The ever-changing course and moods of these majestic waterways in flood cleanse the human mind and affords some of the greatest game and bird viewing opportunities in Africa. The lodge site is 30 kilometres from Mfuwe airport which, with its resident immigration and customs, can handle international flights.

Aerial view
Aerial view of Luangwa River Lodge

The Luangwa River Lodge is to be built on a 34 hectare site which is situated on the eastern bank of the Luangwa River within the Upper Lupande Game Management Area.

The site concession was granted by Senior Chieftainess Nsefu following negotiations supported and endorsed by the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Services of Zambia. A 99 year lease, unusually long for this type of venture, has been granted.

The Luangwa River Lodge will be aimed at the upper market. It will provide clients and owners the opportunity to experience the true African bush in comfortable and aesthetically attractive style.

The lodge will highlight conservation development as a solution to stimulate the depressed economy in this remote rural area of Zambia. The developers' mission will be to create sound economic links between the lodge and surrounding communities so that they will also enjoy the benefits of eco-tourism.

The developers should regard the following aims to be of primary importance in the development and operation of the Luangwa River Lodge:


River lodge cottage
Development has commenced on the site and currently there are two small cottages with bathroom facilities while the necessary foundations and walls have been erected for the 12 cottages. The site will be sold with all architectural drawings and information gathered up till now for the development of the lodge.

River lodge plan

The lodge will sleep 24 visitors with accommodation for permanent staff members. The main hospitality area will include the reception, lounge, dining room, kitchen, bar, lapa and a swimming pool.

Each guest cottage will accommodate two people and will have its own en-suite bathroom facilities. Meticulous planning of the locations of the buildings, which will be at a discreet distance from each other, has been done to retain as many as possible of the magnificent specimens of mahogany and ebony trees and indigenous bush on the site. Camouflaged viewing platforms can be constructed in these nearby trees, strategically located for unsurpassed game viewing.

Guests will be offered a variety of activities. Mornings start early in the bush while the wildlife is still active. After light refreshments, guests can either take a walk within the Park with an experienced trail leader and a game scout or go on a game drive in an open 4x4 vehicle accompanied by a ranger, returning to the lodge for a hearty breakfast. During the heat of the day, guests are generally left to relax and enjoy their own activities. Some people choose to nap or to swim while others will have the opportunity to find a quiet tree platform and spend the afternoon reading or observing the local birds, fauna and flora. Late afternoon and evening activities are centred on a game drive once the day begins to cool down during which a strategic spot is picked to enjoy a sundowner while watching game before commencing a night drive.

Night drives in the Luangwa Valley are an exciting experience, opening up a whole new world of nocturnal life. It is at night that the leopard comes into its own, the lions hunt, the hippos feed and a range of animals appear which are not normally seen during the day.

Game viewing by boat can be offered when the river is suitably calm. This will be a highly attractive option and a premium drawcard as no such facility is currently being offered in the Valley.

The company have been granted investment licenses under both the 1991 and 1993 Investment Acts. There are substantial benefits accruing to foreign investors as a result of having obtained these licences including:

The company, Tamarind (Zambia) Limited, holds the lease on the lodge site in its name.

Due to illness the current owner is compelled to sell at the very reasonable price of SAR800 000 Currency table.

E-Mail us if you are interested in this prime property.


Luangwa Valley
Zambia covers a land area of 752 614 km² with a population of 7.5 million. Its population density is extremely low at 9.9 per km². The predominant land use is given over to cattle ranching, crop farming and wildlife. Its major reserves are the South & North Luangwa, Kafue and Lower Zambezi. The staple foods are maize, sorghum and fruit while the mineral wealth extends to copper, zinc, cobalt and emeralds. The country is generally recognised for its friendly people and its natural beauty.

Zambia's first multi-party elections were held in 1991, resulting in the ousting of Kenneth Kaunda's socialist regime. At the time, the Zambian economy was under severe stress. However, the new government under President Chiluba has embraced free-enterprise principles to encourage foreign investment. Zambia has adopted the structural adjustment programme laid down by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. These new policies assist in the promotion of Zambia to foreign investors to whom the government offers generous tax concessions and other incentives. In addition, the currency has now been made totally convertible.

In the light of world tourism trends and, in particular, the growth in tourism to the southern African sub-region as a result of the regional political stability following the peaceful transformation of South Africa, safari operators in Zambia have seen a significant increase in overseas interest. The general feeling is one of optimism for a sustained growth over the next few years.

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